is dedicated to the advancement and understanding of principles and practices of intelligence and national security in contemporary history and foreign policy.
Editor-in-Chief (from February 2021):
Assoc. Prof. Gordan Akrap
Dr. Franjo Tuđman Defense and Security University, Zagreb, Croatia
Editor-in-Chief (1999 - January 2021):
Prof.Dr. Miroslav Tuđman (1945-2021)
St. George Association and University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Editorial Board:
Prof.Emeritus Jadranka Lasić-Lazić, University North, Koprivnica-Varaždin, Croatia, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Assoc. Prof. Iva Rosanda Žigo, University North, Koprivnica-Varaždin, Croatia, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Assoc. Prof. Thomas Wegener Friis, head of the Center for Cold War Studies, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, Assist. Editor-in-Chief
Vedran Matošić, St. George Association, Zagreb, Croatia, Executive director of the Board,
Prof.Emeritus Mladen Ančić, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia
Prof.Dr. Mate Ljubičić, St. George Association, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof.Dr. Bojana Lakičević-Đuranović, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Law, Podgorica, Montenegro
Prof.Dr. Ivo Lučić, Dr. Franjo Tuđman Defense and Security University, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof.Dr. John Nomikos, Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS), Athens, Greece
Prof.Dr. Swaran Singh, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Prof.Dr. Iztok Podbregar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Science, Kranj, Slovenia
Prof.Dr. Shlomo Shpiro, The Europa Institute, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Prof.Dr. Žejko Dobrović, Dr. Franjo Tuđman Defense and Security University, Zagreb, Croatia
Assoc. Prof. Ante Bralić, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia
Assoc. Prof. Maksym Kamenetskyi, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Assist. Prof. Dražen Barbarić, University of Mostar, Faculty of Humanities, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Assist. Prof. Przemyslaw Gasztold, War Studies University & Institute of National Remembrance, Warszaw, Poland
Major General, Slaven Zdilar, PhD, Croatian Defense Academy „dr. Franjo Tuđman“, Zagreb, Croatia
Assist.Prof. Pavle Kalinić, University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety, Zagreb, Croatia
Damir Bevanda, PhD, University of Mostar, Faculty of Humanities, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Captain (ret.) Ivica Mandić, PhD candidate, St. George Association, Zagreb, Croatia
Reviewers (last update: December 21, 2024):
Prof.Dr. Nikolaj Lazić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
General (ret.) Dr. Ephraim Lapid, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Prof.Dr. Polona Šprajc, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Science, Kranj, Slovenia
Prof.Dr. Odd Jarl Borch, Nord Universitet, Norway
Assoc. Prof. Dragan Mišetić, Dr. Franjo Tuđman Defense and Security University, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof.Dr. Slavko Vidović, INFODOM, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof.Dr. Tormod Heier, Norwegian Defence University College, Norway
Prof. Dr. Zoran Dragišić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Security, Belgrade, Serbia
Prof.Dr. Laris Gaiser, Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy
Dr. Eleni I. Kapsokoli, Department of International and Euroepan Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece
Dr. Roman Domović, Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Filip Dragović, Institute for security policies, Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Stjepan Domjanić, Croatian Defense Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman"
Dr. Dalibor Milanović, Croatian Defense Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Barak Bouks, Bar Ilan University, Israel (from April 18, 2021)
Dr. Ali Madouni, University Mohamed Khider of Biskra, Algeria (from November 7, 2022)
Assist.Prof. Daria Vilkova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (from January 8, 2023)
- St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja, 10000 Zagreb, Ulica Nikole Tesle 10, Croatia,
- University North / Sveučilište Sjever, Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 1, 48000 Koprivnica, Croatia (from October 2023),
- Dr. Franjo Tuđman Defense and Security University, 10000 Zagreb, Ilica 256b, Croatia (from February 2024),
Manuscripts, editorial communications, and books for review should be directed to:
The National Security and the Future,
St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja,
10000 Zagreb, Ulica Nikole Tesle 10, Croatia;
E-mail: kontakt formular
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Partner Journals:
1. International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
2. The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics
3. Security Dimensions Journal
4. The Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies
5. Vojenske Reflexie Journal
6. Hiperborea Journal
7. The Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies (JCEAS)
ISSN 1332-4454 (print)
ISSN 1846-1425 (online)
UDK 327.5 + 327.8 + 351.86 + 351.88 + 355