Online Volumes And Issues
Volume 1, Number 3-4, Autumn-Winter 2000.
30 ruj 2000 02:03:00

 Dusko Doder:  Culture of Secrecy 



Ivo Lučić: What does National Security Stand for in Bosnia and Herzegovina? 
Miroslav Međimorec: Who is to blame for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Miroslav Međimorec:  Mladen Ančić (1999): Who is to blame for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina -caught between history and politics

Volume 1, Number 3-4
Autumn-Winter 2000
ISSN 1332-4454


Prof. dr. Janos Matus, Zrinyi Miklos National Defence University, Department of Security Studies, Hungary
Prof. dr. Miroslav Tuđman, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia

Editorial Board:

Doc. W. Agrell, Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Christopher Andrew, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, U K
Gen. Todor Boyadjiev, President Bulgarian Euro Atlantic Intelligence Forum, Sofia, Bulgaria
Oldrich Cerny, Executive Director, Forum 2000 Foundation, Praha, Czech Republic
Prof. dr. Stevan Dedijer, Consultant in Intergrated Intelligence, Lund University, Sweden
Richard Kerr, Consultant, Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, USA
Admiral Pierre Lacoste, Former General Director of the DGSE, France
Gen. Nikolai Leonov, Former Deputy Director of the KGB, USSR
Miroslav Međimorec, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zagreb, Croatia
Gen. Leonid Shebarshin, President of the Russian National Economic Security Service, Moscow, RF; Former Deputy Director of KGB SSSR
Richard Stolz, Consultant, Former Deputy Director for Operations Central Intelligence Agency, USA

Secretary: Željka Jukić
English Language Editors: Julienne Bušić, Prof. Richard R. Shultz
Computer layout: Mario Miljavac
Printed by: KATMA, Zagreb

Manuscripts, editorial communications, and books for review should be directed to:
The National security and the Future,
St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Boškovićeva 20

Subscriptions and the advertising inquiries should be sent to National Security and the Future at the Publisher's address given below.
Annual Subscription Vol. 1 (2000):
Institutions 120 DEM / 60 US $ postage included
Individuals 40 DEM / 25 US $ postage included
Single issue and back issue prices available from the publisher


National Security and the Future will be a refereed journal. Authors should consult the Guidelines for Contributors before submitting their final draft. The editor cannot accept responsibility for any damage to or loss of manuscripts. Statements and facts or opinion appearing in National Security and the Future are solely those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the editors or publisher.

Published in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
Vol. 1 (2000) one double issue (Autumn/Winter)

St. George Association / Udruga sv. Jurja
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Ruđera Boškovića 20
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Cover picture was taken by Željka Jukić, Dubrovnik 1999.

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